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MyOffice closure


MyOffice is closing at the end of February 2024. This is so we can focus on bringing you secure and more innovative products and technologies. As one of our older platforms, MyOffice can't be optimised or developed to provide the best and most secure services.


If you’re impacted, when you log in to My Account, you’ll automatically be taken to a page where you can migrate your account.


If you use MyOffice to access your btconnect email, you'll now need to go to or to access your emails.


For more help and information about the MyOffice closure, go to our help article Help with the MyOffice closure.



why do BT posts oly have thumbs up and not the thumbs down . Do they think they are perfect?


The decision to include only a thumbs-up option and not a thumbs-down can be influenced by several factors. It’s not necessarily that the platform thinks they are perfect, but rather it could be a design choice to encourage positive engagement or to simplify the feedback system. DogNearMe

Some platforms choose to remove negative feedback options like thumbs down to foster a more positive community atmosphere. The presence of only positive feedback options can also help in reducing instances of negativity or discouragement that might arise from downvotes.

It’s also possible that the platform is testing different feedback systems to see which one resonates best with their audience or aligns with their community guidelines.

If you’re curious about a specific platform’s choice, it might be helpful to look for any official announcements or reach out to their customer support for more insights.