Panasonic ip Camera set up using one of the 5 bt business static ip address
First post new bt infinity
We have a couple of panosonic ip camera the older BB-HCM331
weve had them set up for years did it myself on the old static ip address worked flawlessly.
I cant seem to work out how to set them up giving them one of the 5 ip address we have
Could anyone help i havell all the original discs etc.
I think im right in saying i dont need port forwarding if each one is assigned its own ip address ?
Hi Mike
You will still need port forwarding for this to work,
I can help you do this in 3 steps
STEP 1 - set up the IPs
First off take the [default gateway] and the [subnet mask]
Open a new tab and go to ( if this is a BT router)
then click on settings > static IP
enter the info that this asks and then click apply
this will set up the static IP pool
STEP 2 - apply the IP
then go to advanced settings
then go to business network click on your camera and choose whichever IP you would like
STEP 3 - open the port
then its simply a case of opening the ports for this
click on port forwarding set up the ports you want - example for port 80 its from 80 to 80
then go back to business network and apply the port forwarding to your camera