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How do I get decent wifi?


So my parents have had terrible wifi for my whole life, I’m finally trying to upgrade it for them (and for myself - how can I work or get a job interview when the wifi can’t handle a 10 minute zoom call.)

Been with BT for years, I remember when we last upgraded it was maybe 10 years ago, so we’re way out of contract and paying too much for not a whole lot.

Our speed is 2Mbps, 1.75 on a good day and 0.13 upload speed, which is fine for general browsing and streaming as long as you’re prepared to wait a bit to let it buffer, but no good for when anybody has work to do.

I called BT (hate that it’s the only option) and they said my area can only get 2Mbps until full fibre is installed. When I look online for deals, including entering my address, everywhere, including the BT website, tells me I can get 9-17 speeds, so why are BT telling me I can’t? They were offering me an extender and new router but no faster speeds, which I think is the offer I see when I go on my BT>upgrades, but I want faster speeds. Is the only way to switch providers?



Hi keynk


Do your parents have a Business or Residential account?
