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Unexpected service termination and loss of access to email


I have been a BT Business Broadband Customer with three btconnect email addresses and ADSL unchanged since July 2004. I have until now, been a happy customer. I was able to navigate the email client issue by forwarding emails to my desktop clients and replying through webmail, but what a classic example of poor customer care for the sake of paying for the necessary security fixes to allow client access. 


On Sat 26th August 2023 without warning my phone line (copper) was cut, and I was obviously without ADSL Broadband. I managed to log on using a phone as hotspot and saw that someone had placed an order on my account to terminate the services. I immediately placed an order for fibre to the premises on the same account which has since been installed. 

After more than 7 hours in total calling 15 separate numbers my account and its email addresses are still to be ceased on 25th September. I can currently access only two of my companies three email addresses and have been billed a cancellation charge to boot. I get bounced from Billing to Orders to Faults to Corporate and non Corporate Accounts departments and no one is able to resolve.  My small business account is now classed as corporate under one "group" with one email address cut adrift under another. I have had two assurances that nothing will be ceased on 25th September one in writing and one verbal. I have had five assurances that everything will be stopped on that date and that nothing can be done. Please can someone from BT own the problem and not expect me to fault find it myself through departments that even the BT Employees don't understand the function of! I have 7 days before my business is screwed by BT's actions. 




Hi John,


Can you message me directly. I can then take your business account details and try and assist you.


Thank you

